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Contract Drivers

We are in need of the following personnel...
NASCAR Shuttle Drivers

Join Our Winning Team!

NASCAR Shuttle Drivers

Part Time Contract Drivers:

Must have a minimum of five years of multi-passenger driving experience, and

  • 1. Provide 3 personal references of someone who have known you for at least 5 years,
  • 2. Provide resume’ and 3 work references of 1 year or more consecutive employment (can be waived with 1 reference of 3 years or more employment),
  • 3. Be genuinely courteous, cordial, sociable, posses an outgoing personality, and must be very reliable, dependable, honest, and trustworthy,
  • 4. Must have reliable transportation, or access to reliable transportation, and a working cellular phone and car charger,
  • 5. Must have a valid clean driving record for at least 5 years, and licensed to drive in North Carolina, and
  • 6. Must have a valid email address and have daily access to email.

Notes: CDL with "P" endorsement required for 16-passenger or higher vehicles. Please indicate the position that you are applying for on your cover sheet. Two page limit. Also attach recent [Within 30 days] driving record from the North Carolina DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles).

Compensation: $8.40 - $12.60 per hour, or $36.75 - $52.50 per NASCAR shuttle run.
To apply, click on this link and e-mail your resume' along with references. Successful applicants will receive a reply via e-mail.


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