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Article Archive/June 2013

Updated May 31, 2013

Mother of the Matrix; and Terminator Movies? Part I
Ms. Sophia Stewart!

Terminator Pic!By Jay Whipple/Trend Magazine Online™

I was going through my email one day when a familiar name surfaced requesting an interview for Trend Magazine Online™. It was Ms. Sophia Stewart a.k.a. the Mother of The Matrix movies. I had written her over a decade ago in support of her ordeal/legal battle against the big wig Hollywood studio executives’ --whom she claimed stole her work. Hers was your classic David v. Goliath tale unraveled and rewrapped in the 20th Century -- as told in the KJV (King James Version) bible. Most human beings love to see the little guy/girl take on the giant; and it is even more rewarding if they win. In this particular case, rumors later surfaced (2004) that Ms. Stewart had indeed won a multi-million-dollar settlement against those big wigs with deep legal pockets. As such, it was my intent to focus my interview on her next book project entitled Matrix 4.

Cyborg Pic!Unfortunately, the subject of Ms. Stewart’s earlier ordeal kept resurfacing, and I was left no choice other than to briefly investigate her claims. I did and found that some of the claims that she made during our one-hour-plus- taped interview just did not add up when checked for accuracy. For example, she stated that the Terminator movie was based on her book The Third Eye which (She claims) was stolen in 1986 by the Wachowski Brothers. Well, that movie debuted in 1984 (Two years earlier), so how was that possible I asked. Next, she stated that she was engaged to former heavyweight champion Muhammad Ali in 1982. Well, that would make her 15 years old based on the fact that she told me that she was born in 1967. He was about 40 years old (Born 1942). Next, she could not recall the name of her first writing teacher although he (In her words) played a major role in shaping her writing style at age seven. She also stated that she owns the trademark of the Terminator movies and actually does not according to the United States Patent and Trademark Office. She also claims to have been awarded that huge settlement; however her case was dismissed because she and her attorney did not show up for their June 13, 2005, hearing, according to published reports. Finally, she denied contacting us concerning this interview.

When confronted with these truths she first either ignored or responded in a very confusing manner. She then resorted to personally attacking me to include accusing me of working for her foes (She contacted us), cursing me (Called me an ‘MF’), insulting my work, called me a hater, and yes, she call me the “N” word. My God, I thought, this woman is indeed a monster/cyborg living in a dream world that she created; and anyone that does not go along with her made-up stories gets brutally attacked. I myself walked around for decades thinking that I had written the original book entitled The Little Engine That Could -- back in grade school in the 1960’s -- only to learn that that book was first published in 1930. I set myself free from that self-imposed lie and am still writing today. They say that truth is stranger than fiction; I say that some people cannot tell the difference. With all that I have been through concerning this piece, one would think that this article/interview would be nixed. My response to that is, “Ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free!”

Jay - When did you start writing?
Stewart – I was a natural gifted writer from the 7th grade. In order for you to master something you have to start early like Tiger Woods.

Jay - What were your goals early on in your writing process?
Stewart – I was not trying to write to be a famous writer, it just happened. I was thinking about being a lawyer or doctor in grade school. I studied law under a Brooklyn Manhattan lawyer. When I was in college in New York [City University of New York] this girl named Paula came to my class. She registered late. She worked for Channel 5 in New York and we went bonkers. The [Journalism] bug hit me then. I applied for Channel 5 and Channel 13. I chose 13 over 5 because it was more prestigious and catered to the wealthy.

Jay – When or how did you learn that your writing abilities were above the norm?
Stewart – I didn’t know that I was a phenomenal gifted writer until these very rich and famous people told me what kind of gift I had. They started going crazy over my writing. It seemed common to me. It kind of blew my mind.

Jay – Do you have a material preference for writing?
Stewart – A master writer means that I can write anything creative: Comedy, drama, espionage, science fiction. There is nothing that I cannot write.

Jay – Who were some of your earlier influencers or role models?
Stewart – My college teachers were famous writers. Also Max Segal -- New York Times journalist. There was nothing he could teach me. [Then] Paul Cherry -- Big Apple playwright, Emile Capouya –famous author and critic, and Leon Roth – famous producer. He passed away years ago.  His son is Eric Roth who wrote Forest Gump and Benjamin Button. They were totally amazed at my gift. They said that I was a master writer.

Jay – Who was your first writing teacher?
Stewart – My first teacher was a college professor. I cannot remember his name because it was so long ago. He was a substitute for my real [Grade school] teacher – Mrs. Day.
Jay – Do you have examples of your early works, e.g did you enter contests?
Stewart -- I got straight A’s. My teacher kept some of my early works. I did not enter any contests until my work was stolen in 1986.

Jay - What were your goals concerning college?
Stewart -- I was going to school to do movies at the University of Southern California Film School in 1980. [Steven] Spielberg, [George] Lucas went there.

Jay – What is your best time of day to write?
Stewart -- It just flows out of me, I don’t do any of those programs. It just comes out when I need to write. Like Shaq, Michael Jordan, Michael Jackson. It is a natural gift.

Jay – How did the blockbuster movies the Terminator (1984) and Matrix (1999) develop from your book?
Stewart -- In my book I am talking about The Third Eye which is the Almighty, All Seeing Eye of God. That’s why the story is called the Third Eye. Terminator and the Matrix are about the Bible. What do you think those numbers and codes are? Revelation means the end -- termination.

Jay – Can you elaborate on the book of Revelation [from the King James Bible] and how it influenced your book [The Third Eye] and Terminator movie?
Stewart -- I wrote the man vs. the machine [Terminator]. Christ comes back to the Earth which is His second coming, not the first, which is the Revelation. I tell the story of when He comes back which is the Terminator. His mother is Sarah Connor.

Jay – You say that you were first to use the now world famous “I’ll be back” phrase [In your book] uttered by Arnold Schwarzenegger in the first Terminator movie. What is its origin?
Stewart -- I’ll be back-- it’s because he comes back, he is a microchip. He comes back as 3 different cybogs. He can’t be killed because he is the Terminator. So everyone that uses that line owes me royalties [chuckle]. It’s copyrighted. I was born in the digital age and I knew in the future that metal would be obsolete. Metal comes from H. G. Wells old Iron Age concept. He was the visionary-seer. I am the visionary-seer born in the digital age.

Jay – Can you expound on that?
Stewart -- In my book [The Third Eye] I am talking about downloading, barcodes, scanning and computerized warfare with the Drones.  When Trinity told Tank to download me, that all came from my book.

Jay – What else should we know about your book The Third Eye?
Stewart -- In my book The Third Eye there is a dedication to Muhammad Ali. The Matrix and the Terminator come from a body of work that was created for film, to make movies.

Jay – How long did it take for you to write the book and when did you know that you were finished?
Stewart -- It took me 3 years to write the book. It only took 2 weeks to write the screen treatment. I just worked on it whenever I felt like it and then one day my soul, my spirit said it’s done-finished.

Jay – How many pages did the original work contain?
Stewart -- The manuscript was all together about 50 pages, the treatment about 6 pages, the characters 2 pages and the makings 2 pages. The [Finished] book is about 278 pages because of the graphics and other  effects.

End Part I

Continued Here>>>

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