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News Articles Page -- March, 2009

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College Kids Head South of the Border -- Mexico

Despite Warnings!

Each spring, college students flock to tropical resorts to enjoy the sun, sand and nightlife. One popular destination year after year for students is Cancun, Mexico. However, this year, there was a little more going on in Cancun than just the beautiful beaches and popular bars. Drug trafficking has made Mexico into a battleground between drug gangs and authorities.

According to a March 10 article in The New York Times, Mexico had more than 6,000 drug-related deaths last year. The worst of the violence has been situated at the U.S.-Mexico border.
CNN reported in an article published Feb. 19 that part of the problem is corrupt government officials who are facilitating the dangerous drug trade by refusing to acknowledge it.




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The article cited a top anti-drug official was recently arrested for accepting $450,000 a month in bribes from drug traffickers.

The U.S. Department of State issued a travel alert on Feb. 20 to warn citizens of the current danger in Mexico. The alert said violence has recently increased and if traveling to any part of Mexico, one should take numerous precautions to ensure a safe trip.

"U.S. citizen visitors are encouraged to stay in the well-known tourist areas of the cities," read the alert issued by the Bureau of Consular Affairs.








"Travelers should leave their itinerary with a friend or family member not traveling with them, avoid traveling alone and should check with their cellular provider prior to departure to confirm that their cell phone is capable of roaming on GSM or 3G international networks. Do not display expensive-looking jewelry, large amounts of money, or other valuable items." The alert said there is a recent surge of firefights, violent demonstrations, car thefts and car jackings in some parts of the country.

Despite this, students across the country still flocked to popular resorts in Mexico, like those in Cancun as many students feel there are so many tourists where they are that they never feel unsafe.

In the current economic climate, no destination can afford bad press.  Here’s hoping that no news in the coming weeks and over their spring break means good news. Only time will tell.

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Source: XYZ

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