Trend Magazine Online™ -- Articles/Monthly/Jul. 2009/Choose Tour Pt. 1
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Article Archive/July 2009

Updated January 20, 2010

How to Choose a Professional Tour of Charlotte, NC Part 1 of 3
Be Cautious of City Funded Organizations

Click City Tour Info!By Jay Whipple/Trend Magazine Online™

Charlotte is a relative newcomer to the national and international scene and since the late 1990’s has been on the radar of many people looking to visit or move to the Queen City. As such, many inquirers rely on the traditional sources of newcomer and visitor information via the local or area chamber as well as the visitors’ bureau. While these organizations can and do provide you with a myriad of useful information, it is worth the time to search for and select a good reputable tour company to give you a more independent and less promotional view of your choice city – especially if you are planning a move.

Locating that choice tour company can prove to be a daunting challenge particularly if you have zero knowledge of the area and if you do not know anyone living there. Some folks choose to rely solely on the recommendations of the local chamber or visitors’ bureau. While these organizations usually have a good reputation and track record for referrals, please keep in mind that they are member/business driven and as such they will provide you with a list of only paid members.

The more the member/business pays the more referrals/recommendations they will receive. Case in point, a local tour company in Charlotte, NC, was considered highly recommended by Visit Charlotte just after the ink dried on their business license and their membership check had cleared the bank. It was later discovered that this same company was not considered safe by the Passenger Vehicle for Hire board.

See and learn more about Charlotte history and over 75 other sites on Charlotte's Longest-Running Daily City Tour (For Individuals), or the Charlotte City Tour ( For Groups).

Part 2>>>

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