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Review Archive/April 2013

Updated March 31, 2013

Landmark Family Restaurant; Salisbury, NC
Real Deal Holyfield Philly Cheesesteak!

Landmark Family Restaurant Salisbury NC Pic!By Jay Whipple/Trend Magazine Online™

I just had to stop by this place after my V.A. (Veterans Administration) rep insisted that they had the best Philly Cheese Steak around. I must admit that I have never been to Philly and thus have never had the pleasure of downing the real deal but so far the imitation ones that I have had in the past could have not been close to what I believe would be the Real Deal Holyfield.  It just happened to be lunch time after our appointment and I decided to take her up on her suggestion and dine at the Landmark Family Restaurant in Salisbury, NC, before my trip to Charlotte, NC.

Philly Cheesesteak Pic!I had actually been by this place a time or two before and did not pay it that much attention because nothing really stands out about it from the street. I arrived shortly after 1 P.M.  and there was just one other customer – a cop – inside.  Good thing I was not wanted for anything or I would have turned around and walked back out. Smile. I was politely greeted by my server shortly thereafter and ordered my usual glass of water and sweet iced tea while perusing the menu. I decided to go ahead with my first choice and order the suggested Philly Cheese Steak Supreme sandwich for $7.25 with the option of fries and/or tea for $1.00 each extra which would put the total at $9.95 which – in my opinion – is a bit on the pricy side. I was however given the extras for just .74 cents bringing my total to $7.99 --and $8.55 with taxes. It pays to name drop as I did mention the V.A.  lady that referred me to this fine establishment. Right about this time a crowd began to trickle in for a late lunch.

Restaurant Interior Pic!While awaiting my order to come up I did my usual run to the men’s room to relieve myself, wash up, and check out the cleanliness which was okay. The restaurant’s sanitation code was 98 and the interior was sort of ranch-style with bench-style tables. That have this portion of a wall that is dedicated to variuos customers that have dined here and perhaps my pic will be added some time in the near future. The kitchen was somewhat open which I prefer because you can actually see your meal being prepared.  I have worked in some very fancy, top-notched, and expensive restaurants that you would not believe what is done with your food sometimes before it heads out into the fancy dining area. My orders were up in about 7 minutes and man the first thing I noticed was the size of that mammoth sandwich with all of the onions, tomatoes, bell peppers and cheese just oozing over the top. I immediately thought that I was going to need a take-out box formally known as a doggy bag. Unfortunately there was a bit of a leak in the roof but a roofer showed up to fix it during my meal which assured me that it would be taken care of for my next visit.

Open Kitchen Pic!As I was about to delve into what I hoped would finally be the Real Deal Holyfield Philly Cheese Steak that I have been searching for all of my adult life, I noticed a can of paprika to add more flavor -- on my table. I thought, why not. My sandwich was so huge that I had to use a fork to widdle it down before I could actually pick it up with two hands. The meat was simply scrum delicious and tender with the tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and cheese all precisely blended to complement the meat which was tucked between tasty buns. The side fries were crisp on the outside and tender on the inside just like I prefer, and the sweet iced-tea tasted homemade especially with the added lemon to give it just a hint of tanginess. Man, I am getting hungry just writing about this new and welcomed discovery. According to the cook, their meat comes from up north and after my pleasant experience there, I believe him.

Philly Cheesesteak Eaten Pic!If you are in the Salisbury, NC, area, and love a good Real DealHolyfield Philly Cheese Steak, stop in at the Landmark Family Restaurant located at 1617 Main St., Salisbury, NC. Their phone number is 704-638-0770.

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