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something that you would like us to consider for a future issue?
Please get in touch!
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If you are thinking of contributing, be sure to take a look at the
"Contributor's Guidelines" section on this page.
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postings or when we publish a new edition. That way you can always
stay up to date!
We would like writers and artists who want to contribute to our e-zine to
keep in mind that this site is devoted to worldwide travel and tourism.
Therefore, your contributions must stay on topic. We are looking for
reviews on places you have visited, articles about particular sites and
interesting places, and original photos. A suggested length for articles
is at least 250 words. The format in which we would like to have articles
and text contributions is HTML, or text files, and pictures in .JPG
format. Our policy on contributors rights is that authors can reprint
their work elsewhere and the work must not be copyrighted by anyone else
or anywhere else online or in print.
All submitted work is subject to editing by our staff to reduce the
content or to correct grammatical errors.
Submit your
contribution --text and photos -- by clicking here.