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Own Your Own Tour Company!

Be Your Own Boss!


Own Your Own Tour Company

This Could be Your Guests!

I am the founder and director of Queen City Tourssm and Travel. I also own the federal trademark to Queen City Tourssm, the State Service mark to Charlotte Black Heritage Toursm, the local trade mark Charlotte African-American Heritage Toursm, and copyrights to Charlotte's Longest-Running Daily City Toursm and Charlotte's "Original" Daily Black/African-American Heritage Toursm; the two most comprehensive tours of Charlotte. I have been developing, conducting, and directing area tours since 1993 -- longer than any other local Director/guide. In addition, I have personally given a tour for at least one person in every State in the US and over 40 foreign countries. My tours have been translated in Spanish, Russian, German, Japanese, and Chinese to name a few foreign languages. I have directed tours for as little as one person and as many as 165 guests at a time and my tours have been featured in the local and national media. Over 99% of my guests enjoy my tours and consider them among the best in the world!

This business opportunity is a perfect match for you if you have been laid off from corporate America, you are retired, and/or you genuinely despise working for the establishment. In addition, you must genuinely enjoy meeting people from every type of background, culture, religion, and ethnicity; and prefer working in shorts and jeans as opposed to a stuffy suit, tie, and stiff shoes. You must also be prepared to work on weekends and holidays at least nine months out of the year and be interested in history and current news events.

In return, successful licensees will receive 50 hours of start-up training and all of the collateral tools necessary to be up and running in 30 days to include an instant 19-year successful track record, an A+ rating with the Southern Piedmont Better Business Bureau, tour training materials, and proven standard operating procedures along with collateral material, to name a few.

In business, time is indeed money; therefore, consider the time it will take you to learn all that you will need to learn before you can profit each day. For example, learning just one tour route and script will take the average person over 160 hours to be able to successfully conduct a solo tour. That translates into $4,800 @ $30 per hour training fees. You would still require many additional hours of training to learn the other components of running a successful tour company on a day-to-day basis.
