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QCT Greensboro Slavery to Civil Rights Tour™
Departs from the parking lot next to our old office at 3125 Eastway Drive, Charlotte, NC, 28205 (Eastway Executive Offices, across from Wal-Mart and McDonald's, between Central Avenue and Independence Blvd.).
Map it!

In Memory of Dr. Franklin Eugene McCain
(1941 - 2014)
The group that went on the trip this past weekend [05/01/2010] – had a wonderful time!
We had a very enjoyable day. Our thanks to our guests, and to Queen City Tours for a great trip!
Margo Scurry, AAGIG President
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What's Included!

Black History Tour!
Explore Greensboro's African-American history.
The Guilford College campus is known as the location of a Hiding Place or Underground Railroad Network, where Vestal and Levi Coffin helped escaped slaves flee to the North from 1830 until the end of the Civil War. A commemorative marker is located on West Friendly Avenue. Drive by the Greensboro Historical Museum where the sit-ins are commemorated in a striking exhibit, plus

The Greensboro Cultural Center is home to the African-American Atelier, which showcases local African-American artists. Drive along South Elm Street as sidewalk makers chronicle six chapters in local African American history, ranging from a fugitive slave on the Underground Railroad through the first African-American state Supreme Court Justice, and...

Learn about Historic Bennett College and the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum at Historic Palmer Institute, the first historic site to honor an African-American and a woman. It was formerly the Palmer Institute, a preparatory school established in 1902 by Dr. Brown. Enjoy exhibits, tours and audiovisual presentations.
Source: https://historicsites.nc.gov/all-sites/charlotte-hawkins-brown-museum

Dutch Treat Lunch
Dining in Greensboro is as varied as your taste. Their more than 500 restaurants satisfy those looking for five-star evening meals or "finger-licking" barbecued ribs. Here you can satisfy your taste for Asian, European, Greek, Italian, Mexican, Indian, Vietnamese and many other foods. Greensboro also offers many of the favorite franchise restaurants you enjoy at home. And of course, no visit is complete until you have sampled some of the "native" cuisine, such as pork barbecue and home-style vegetables.
Source: https://www.greensboronc.org
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